Fiber Engraving
Fiber 30W Engraving
Creative Laser Studio
Fiber lasers have revolutionized many materials processing applications. The combination of improved optical performance, better systems flexibility, high component yield, long uptime (100,000 hours MTBF, over 11 years) and improved reliability makes the AK-20F Fiber Lasers a value-added solution for your marking applications. The spot size of fiber lasers is small, predictable and consistent at all power levels across all pulse sequences and during the entire life of the laser — a feature critical to many marking applications. Due to the small spot size, high image resolution (DPI) can be achieved and markings will be sharp and clean regardless of substrate. Creative Laser Studio's AK-20F high beam quality allows it to be used in sensitive marking, cutting, and welding applications without damaging sensitive components, and the capability to achieve depth into harder metals like titanium and tool steel.
Metal All metal materials
Non-Metal Wood , Glass , Leather , Stones , Plastics , Paper Boards and All Materials.
Industrial Parts
Bottle Engraving
Award Ring
Couple Ring
Industrial Parts
Gift Pen
Round bottle
Promotion Items
Community Ring
Card Cutting
We offer laser engraving/etching services across the S.Africa. from Cape Town and Durban, all the way to JHB.
Contact Us for more infomation.